What you seek is the seeker

This may just be my perception and I’m just a student of yoga myself, practicing alongside all those on this yogic path...

But it sure seems a lot of yoga folks, especially newer teachers, are seeking, seeking, seeking.

Power. Fame. Money. The Big 3.

Ironically, the same folks are selling us the idea that we’re enough, but at the same time we need healing.

Look, we ALL need some healing in this day and age. We have constant input between our jobs, social media, news, television, etc.

Sure, workshops are great. (Heck, Im leading one this weekend!) Reiki, crystals, yoga, self help books... they’re all wonderful things to aide us on our paths. They’re all amazing modalities (and I practice them all!)

For the past 18 years I’ve watched the latest and greatest yoga boom always get that popularity draw... why? Because we are all wanting that quick fix. We crave healing. We’re seeking too! From intensely heated, type A personality Bikram Yoga to the left behind ‘me talk pretty’ Anusara Yoga... it’s all simply Hatha Yoga “branded” to appeal to our senses and to benefit their pocketbook.

Please don’t get it twisted- I love all them all! I teach pieces (and some full classes) of all the traditions I’ve practiced! I’ve learned so much from all brands, (and they’ve all come from similar or same sources.) As Krishnamacharya once said

“Teach what is appropriate for an individual.”

(This is how I was trained) Class plans are great until they no longer match your students that show up.

Why this post then? I’m just not a huge fan of the branding to sell aspect. Truthfully, it matters not what brand you choose. They’re all selling the same thing... Inner peace, awareness and the body, mind and spirit alignment. They’ve also all come into some trouble, accusations of sexual misconduct, mishandling of money and grandstanding. The Ego seems to get the best of them. Personally, I believe this is when our yoga is put to the test... we judge, we criticize, and then? Some of us move on to the next best thing. We think ‘maybe this one will bring me what I’m seeking.’

Here’s the thing.

Really let this sink in.

“It’s not the Yoga, it’s the user.”

(Gratitude for my teacher embedding this in my mind)

Does it matter which brand we choose? Are we terrible yogis for practicing a brand of yoga that an egotistical person branded?

The answer is no and here’s why...

yoga is passed down from teacher to student. Ghosh taught Bikram, Iyengar taught Friend, Jois taught Kest and Krishnamacharya taught Iyengar and Jois! Getting the picture? Again, it’s not the Yoga. It’s the user.

Now to bring this full circle, back to the origination of this post- Fame, Power and Money will lead us to the same exact place we already are.

“Wherever you go, there you are!”

(Again, gratitude to my teacher for embedding this in my brain) Sometimes the quest for the Big 3 pushes our Self even further into darkness. Suddenly, our Egos become free to rise up to make their last stand and trick us into thinking we have all the answers and it’s our JOB to help others SEE the TRUTH... and then we grandstand ourselves! ‘We’ve found the answers! Listen to me and you can too!’ 🤔

And THIS is when we have a true crossroads on our journey. Do we continue to seek the Big 3? Fame, Power and Money? Or do we progress towards true inner peace by stepping out of our own way and simply practicing discipline, discernment and humility?

I’ve watched countless students become teachers and witnessed these same teachers continue to hunger and thirst for something bigger and better.

What do they seek? What are the longing for? They’re seeking something that already exists within themselves and no amount of ‘The Big 3’ will quench their thirst or feed their belly.

“What you seek is the seeker” Gurumayi

So, what do we really need to do to heal?


Practice discipline.

Practice humility.

Practice discernment.

Practice meditation.

Practice stillness.

Practice whichever brand yoga speaks to YOU through the actual practice.

These practices enable us to go within and see that all we need exists within us.

Turn off the input.

Create of womb of silence and reflection every single day.

Personally, I’ve found that in the moments of peace post practice, I’ve never wanted to take a selfie or video tape that moment. I never wanted to shoot from the rooftops “do this! It works!” Quite frankly, those type thoughts don’t come.

At all. I simply wanted to sit with the purity of peace I found directly within myself. That’s just my experience. Honestly, I’m grateful I don’t think to myself to go grab my phone and record it. This is MY time.

I don’t find that purity every day. I strive to not attach to that feeling. I just continue to practice no matter the outcome. Practice, practice, practice.

“Do Your Practice and All is Coming” ―Sri. K. Pattabhi Jois


Yoga citta vritti nirodhah: Calming the fluctuations of the mind is practice.


The Mirror Effect